If you made it here because you make art (and you are looking for a community or club) or you want to make art (and you are looking for a support group) - WELCOME! You are in a good place :)
Artclub is all about supporting each other in our different creative journeys, celebrating successes, learning about each other's processes and spending time together drawing, painting and smudging.
Each week we log in online with our art supplies, sketchbooks, palettes and canvases and hang out for 1 hour (sometimes more) making art. I guide the sessions in a direction each week, although I don't teach, and you are free to join in on the topic of the week or work on your own projects whilst tuning in with other artists. Sessions are super accessible and you can sign up for a single session or for an entire year :)

Calling all South Africans! Join our community library, the only crowd sourced creative library in South Africa made up of sketchbooks filled by YOU. To contribute to the library, simply get an official book, fill it up and send it back. Your work will become part of a permanent collection of South African creativity and expression. Visit Sketchbook Collective's Website here
Coming soon...