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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight

Regular price R 16,500.00
Regular price Sale price R 16,500.00
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Afternoon Delight, 2024
Year of the flower, 'Is it summer yet?' collection

Gouache and pastel pencil on paper
Float framed in Kiaat
93.5 x 66.5cm

Year of the flower
Towards the end of 2023, much transpired; both joyful and heartbreaking, challenging and freeing, and, in the midst of it all, I began to make flower paintings. I worked freely, choosing bold colours at whim, adding patterns and motifs to vases and tablecloths freehand and overall, extending my sketchbook play, outside of my sketchbook.

2024 is the start of opportunity and continued change; a chance to plant the seeds, and take care of them; where I give myself time and space to take root, to flower and bloom. I am turning my face towards the sun. This is the (my) year of the flower.

Is it summer yet?
Each year, towards the end of the winter months, I find myself obsessively checking Accuweather to see what time the sun will rise and set for the day (and the week ahead), impatiently embracing each extra minute of daylight the warmer months bring me. 

This collection of artworks has been named after my once a year tradition of ‘chasing the light’. Bright blooms emerge from dark as night backgrounds, colourful patterns abound and my usual joyous foray into colour remains at play.

Further inspired by patterning, wallpaper and borders, I have pushed these elements further into my work to create elements of framing, background pattern and more....


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52 Week Art Project

Each week I will be making a small painting/drawing for 52 weeks this year.
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